A flexible system to import Notion databases into a Unity scriptable object for use in Unity game projects.
Role: Sole Developer
Engine: Unity
Code Language: C#
Platforms: Unity
Studio: Carter Games
Github Link: https://github.com/CarterGames/NotionToUnity
A standalone copy of the Notion data module setup in The Cart. This is a smaller setup, but as its own asset that can be used without the rest of the library as its a really useful system in its own right. That and people may not want a whole code library for just one feature of it.
- Download databases of any size.
- Apply sorting to data to order it just as it is in a Notion database view.
- Automatic parsing of data into their field types.
- Support for most useful Notion data properties.
- Automatic API key removal on build creation for security.
- System to reference assets in code without a direct inspector reference.